Our School Uniform

Our school uniform
Our Uniform List has all the items that are part of the ATEA College uniform. The styles of clothing have been chosen for their durable easy care fabrics, practicality, and match with contemporary uniform trends.
You can use the Uniform List to check sizes and order uniform items. Some of these items are optional extras or suggested styles, others are compulsory. Please email admin@ateacollege.com to request a Uniform List.
Students are not required to have each and every component of the uniform, but must always be wearing a complete uniform to school. We have chosen a small range of styles within the set uniform to allow for different preferences, giving a bit of variety for you to choose what suits.
Parents may purchase the uniform from the supplier or other stores, as detailed on the right. Your local Warehouse store will have items from their "Generic Uniforms" section for pupils to try on to find the right size. You can then either buy your own items in the store, online or via a school bulk order. As an online order above 30 items qualifies for a significant discount, parents may wish to co-operatively make a bulk order. It is anticipated that this might happen once a term. If you would like to join in with this, please get in touch with us at admin@ateacollege.com
Polo shirts, blouses, shirts, jerseys, cardigans and jackets that have the School Logo embroidered and can only be ordered via the school. Items ordered online will be delivered directly to you. There is a standard delivery fee for each order, or you could join in with a bulk order.
Please don't be alarmed at the thought of keeping white tops clean. White tops can be soaked in NapiSan to brighten them up or remove stains. However ordinary laundry bleach will damage the logo, and should not be used.
Students need to bring shorts and a t-shirt for Physical Care lessons. Secondary students are required to wear sneakers and may wear track pants. These items do not have to be in uniform colours at the moment.
All socks are to be plain black and may be short (just over ankle height), knee length or (for girls) over the knee. Short anklet (low cut) socks are not permitted. Girls may wear black opaque tights or black stockings in place of socks. Leggings are not permitted.
Illustrations of suitable footwear are on display at school.
Junior uniform: plain black shoes or sandals are to be worn. If choosing sandals, they should be black, sturdy and smart; be buckle up or velcro; have an open or covered toe [Note: covered toe black footwear is required for Grade 7 & 8 Technology lessons]; school style; have backs (strap or cup behind the heel).
Senior uniform: plain black leather shoes. Fastening can be lace up, velcro or buckle; solid and sturdy; school-style. The following are not suitable: ballet flats; high heels; boots; sports shoes that are not black all over (e.g. with coloured logos or other contrasting colours); canvas or Converse style.
All uniform items must be labelled with the student's name [using a name that makes it unambiguous to which family items belong].
Shoes and sandals must be clean, free of writing, and worn with the back of the footwear on the heel [not under the foot].
No t- shirts or undergarments are to show around the neck, sleeve or below shirts or tops.
The school tie is optional with the senior uniform for daily wear. No scarves are to be worn.
Trousers, shorts, skirts and skorts are to be worn with the waistband at the waist.
Senior uniform boys’ shirts are to be worn tucked in.
Senior uniform girls’ blouses are to be worn out [i.e. not tucked in].
Skirts’ length: the skirt just touches the floor when a girl kneels.
Hair ribbons and hair bands are to be dark navy.
Hair clips, pins, slides and scrunchies are to be dark navy or black.
Students' hair should be neat and tidy with hair pinned back from the face and long hair tied up off the collar.
Students may wear a watch that is suitable to be worn at school. Girls may wear plain metal studs in pierced ears. Other items of jewellery are not permitted to be worn at school.
Makeup or nail polish is not to be worn.
Two Steps to Outfitting
STEP 1: Print the uniform list [click on the link] from ATEA College.
STEP 2: Check sizing at your nearest The Warehouse store and purchase in-store or online.
Items needing the School Logo embroidered on them (marked * in the lists below) can be bought off the rack. and embroidered at a later date for a small fee.

Junior Boys' Uniform
May be purchased through SchoolTex/The Warehouse.
White polo shirt (long or short sleeved) embroidered with School Logo *
Navy blue shorts
Navy blue half zip polar fleece jumper ( to be embroidered with School Logo)
Navy blue bucket hat or Aussie hat [to be worn in Terms 1 & 4].
May be purchased through SchoolTex/The Warehouse, or elsewhere providing they are similar:
Black Socks
Black Shoes or Sandals
Optional Extra:
Raincoat: Navy Blue or Black
Junior Girls' Uniform
May be purchased through SchoolTex/The Warehouse.
White polo shirt, long or short sleeved, ( to be embroidered with School Logo)
Navy blue skirt or skorts
Navy blue half zip polar fleece jumper ( to be embroidered with School Logo)
Navy blue bucket hat or Aussie hat [to be worn in Terms 1 & 4]
May be purchased through SchoolTex/The Warehouse, or elsewhere providing they are similar:
Black Socks or tights or stockings
Black Shoes or Sandals
Optional Extras:
Girls may wear black bike shorts of mid-thigh length under their skirts or skorts
Raincoat: Navy Blue or Black
Transition through Intermediate
Students in Grades 7 & 8 may continue wearing the Junior uniform or start wearing the Senior uniform. This transition period is in place to allow students to get the full use out of items they still currently fit, and so that instead of needing to buy bigger Junior Uniform items in their intermediate years, Senior Uniform items can be bought as students grow into them.

Senior Girls' Uniform
May be purchased through SchoolTex/The Warehouse.
White button up blouse, long or short sleeved, (to be embroidered with School Logo)
Navy blue trousers as they become available or Navy blue skirt
Midnight blue knit cardigan and/or Navy blue full zip polar fleece jacket ( to be embroidered with School Logo)
Navy blue bucket hat or Aussie hat (to be worn in Terms 1 & 4)
May be purchased through SchoolTex/The Warehouse, or elsewhere providing they are similar:
Black Socks or tights or stockings
Black Shoes or Sandals
Optional Extras:
School tie (this is the only tie that may be worn, and can be purchased online from SchoolTex). Girls may wear black bike shorts of mid-thigh length under their skirts.
Raincoat: Navy Blue or Black
Senior Boys' Uniform
May be be purchased through SchoolTex/The Warehouse.
White button-up shirt, long or short sleeved, ( to be embroidered with School Logo)
Dark navy blue shorts or navy blue trousers
Midnight blue V-neck knit jersey and/or Navy blue full zip polar fleece jacket (to be embroidered with School Logo)
Navy blue bucket hat or Aussie hat (to be worn in Terms 1 & 4)
May be purchased through SchoolTex/The Warehouse, or elsewhere providing they are similar:
Black Socks
Black Shoes
Black leather belt
Optional Extras:
School tie (this is the only tie that may be worn, and can be purchased
online from SchoolTex).
Raincoat: Navy Blue or Black