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Fees for New Zealand Students 2024:

Primary School: Years 1-8.

Fee per year – $9048. Fee per term – $2,262

Junior College: Years 9-10. 

Fee per year – $11,128. Fee per term – $2,782

Senior College: Years 11-15.

Fee per year – $13,312. Fee per term – $3,328

Discount: Tuition Fees receive a 2% discount if the year's fees are paid in full by the due date.

Late payment: When a tuition fee is not paid in full 30 days after the due date, the amount outstanding will be charged interest at 20% pa.

Another payment option is 10 monthly equal payments by automatic payment starting February and finishing November. Please contact the Bursar for further details: Please advise the Bursar by 20 January should you wish to take advantage of this option. (The late penalty applies).

Registration Fee: All applications require a $210.00 registration fee. This fee is not refundable.

Enrolment Fee – Years 1-15: $2000.This fee is required to confirm acceptance of any place offered. This amount is an additional and separate fee and is not offset against tuition fees. It is not refundable.

Practical Subjects Years 11- 15: $150 per practical subject per term applies to each course in the Sciences, Art, ICT/Computer Science and Languages.

Special Tuition: Group – $33 per hour;
Individual – $66 per hour.

Document Fee: $115 per document for nonstandard documents (e.g. graduation certificates) or replacement of documents (eg. school records or insurance policies).

Fees for International Students 2024:

Please contact <> for details.

Discount:  International Student's Course Fee will receive

a discount of 8% if the full year's fees are paid by 

15 the preceding year.

A full year's fees must be paid before tuition begins.

Fees for students beginning during the school year will be adjusted according to the terms attended. Students beginning in terms 3 & 4 are required to enrol and pay tuition fees for the following year at that time.

Enrolments from International Students are accepted on a yearly basis. Students whose progress and attendance has been satisfactory during the year will be offered placement for the following year in November/December, which must be confirmed by payment of a Placement Fee.

These fees include Uni-Care Travel and Health Insurance.

Payments can be made by internet banking.


Registration Fee:

All applications require a NZ$210.00 registration fee. This fee is not refundable.


Enrolment Fee:

This fee of NZ$2000 is required to confirm acceptance of any place offered.  This amount is an additional and separate fee and is not offset against tuition fees. It is not refundable. 

How to pay fees

We accept cash and direct credit (no Credit Cards).  Cash payments may attract a “Cash Handling” fee at the bank which you will be charged for.


Payment of Fees for New Zealand Students

Fees may be paid for the year or each term. 

Course Fees are discounted 2% if paid by 15 January for Term 1, or for Terms 2, 3 and 4 by 3:00 pm on the first day of term. 

Monthly Payments can be arranged provided application for a Credit Account is made and accepted before fees are due (No discount applies).

Payment of Fees for International Students

Fees must be paid for the full year before tuition begins.


Registration Fees and Enrolment Fees are not refundable.

Tuition Fees for New Zealand Students: One term’s notice of withdrawal is required. We must know before a term starts if your child is leaving at the end of that term: you pay that term’s fees. If you tell us of a withdrawal after the start of a term, you must pay that term’s fees, and the fees for the following term. Fees paid in advance of their due date may be refunded if proper notice of withdrawal has been given.

Tuition Fees for International Students: If an International Student withdraws before starting at ATEA College, a refund of prepaid Tuition Fees will be made less a deduction of 25% (to cover the school’s commitment to the first term of tuition).


No other refunds will be made.

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